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Sexual Abuse of Men

  • Published:
    23 December 2022
  • Updated:
    15 March 2024
Sexual Abuse of Men

    Surprisingly, not only is sexual violence against men hardly ever discussed, but it is also not taken seriously.  Men report violence much less frequently. This is influenced by sexist attitudes that have been reinforced in society. It is believed that a man should always be ready for sex and has no right to refuse; a man is strong, and accordingly, he cannot be a victim.

    It is commonly believed that incarcerated men are subjected to violence at the hands of other men. However, the reality is that women also perpetrate violence. In 2012, the New York Times reported that one in 21 men had been forced to have penetrative sex, usually by a woman, been the victim of an attempted rape, or received oral sex without wanting it.

    An American study by Artime, T. M., McCallum, E. B., & Peterson, Z. D. 2014 shows that most men who have experienced something that qualifies as sexual violence against them do not categorize their experience as traumatic. Of the 323 men, only 24% used the term "sexual violence" about themselves.

    There is also the myth that it is impossible to get an erection with violence. But neither an erection nor even an orgasm indicates consent. Erection and orgasm are physiological reactions that cannot be controlled, even under great stress

    As with female victims of sexual violence, research shows that male victims often suffer several psychological consequences, both immediately after the act of violence and many years later. These effects include guilt, anger, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual dysfunction, somatic complaints, sleep disorders, relationship abandonment, and suicide attempts.

    All victims of sexual abuse should receive psychological rehabilitation by a psychotherapist.

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