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Be informed with modern trends in sexual life from Sequoia medical experts

25 July 2024

Sex Toys: Harmful or Beneficial?

Despite numerous studies proving the many benefits of masturbation and regular orgasms, there is still a widespread misconception in our society about the uselessness or potential harm of vibrators and other sex toys.

18 July 2024

Anal Itching, or Why Does the Rectum Itch

Unpleasant, irritating sensations in the anal and perianal areas cause physical and psychological discomfort. The causes of this condition can be different, as it is not an independent disease but a syndrome. Understanding the mechanism of the disturbances is necessary for correct treatment, as strategies can vary significantly.

25 June 2024

Anger Management Strategy with Mindfulness

What is anger and why is it needed?

This emotion is usually considered negative: from childhood, it is contrasted with goodness; a wicked character possesses negative characteristics: deceives, offends, and plots. Anger is associated with aggression, hysteria, inability to manage emotions, and keep oneself under control. Anger is the basic feeling and is inherent in human nature. If ancestors had found a way to eliminate anger, you wouldn't be reading this article now.

16 May 2024

Erectile Dysfunction - What Is It?

Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition in which a male individual encounters difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity. The popular and outdated name for this disorder is impotence. The causes of this condition may be related to disruptions in the functioning of blood vessels, the nervous system, psychological aspects, or hormonal imbalances. Certain medications can also affect erectile function.

02 May 2024

What is Mindfulness?

Imagine looking at the world around you through glasses. The lenses are not ordinary, but are created under the influence of past experiences, memories, societal norms, and the environment in which you grew up. The quality of your view is also influenced by temperament, character traits, and the current conditions you find yourself in.

17 April 2024

Why is Sex With a New Partner Unsuccessful?

In everyone's life, eventually, a new partner appears. The first experience of sex is a meeting of partners at the closest level, where physical and personal boundaries practically blur and merge with those of the partner.

21 March 2024

What is a Varicocele?

Varicocele is a pathological condition in men in which the veins of the lobular plexus of the spermatic cord expand, which leads to a violation of the thermoregulation of the testicle, preventing its cooling. With the development of the disease, the valves preventing the reverse outflow of blood lose their function, and the flow of oxygen to the testicular tissues is impaired, negatively affecting the formation, development, and maturation of spermatozoa (spermatogenesis).

22 February 2024

How Does Coronary Heart Disease Affect Sexual Life?

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a group of diseases in which the blood supply to the myocardium (heart muscle) is disrupted due to damage to the coronary arteries, resulting in ischemic heart damage. Thus, the necessary amount of oxygen is not delivered to the heart. In acute form, the disease can lead to a heart attack, and in chronic form, it manifests as a feeling of pain or pressure behind the chest (angina attacks). 

16 February 2024

How to Fix Erectile Dysfunction Without Pills!

A new method to treat erectile dysfunction without pills is described in an article in Science: Fibroblasts, tissue cells that produce collagen and are responsible for tissue repair and healing, are used.

13 February 2024

Valentine's Day: What to Do If You Are Single?

Valentine's Day is a widely celebrated holiday around the world on February 14th. It can be a challenging time for those who feel lonely. When couples are everywhere, many people without a romantic partner may feel deprived and vulnerable.

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