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Be informed with modern trends in sexual life from Sequoia medical experts

25 September 2023

Why Does Body Hair Grow and How to Manage It

In the last article, we told you what puberty is. Today we will continue to reveal the topic. Let's talk about the growth of hair during this period, find out whether it is normal, and understand what to do with it.

21 September 2023

How to Effectively Approach a Conversation About Sex: Language, Emotions, and Core Principles

We have already discussed the importance of having conversations about sex and have chosen the appropriate time and place for them.

Let's continue to learn how to talk about sex with your partner correctly.

18 September 2023

How to Teach a Child to Say "NO"?

Sometimes, it seems that your own disinclination isn't a valid excuse for refusing. Especially to refuse a good or familiar person.

14 September 2023

A Woman's Lack of Desire for Sex. Why?

Today we will continue to find out why women don't want sex or why they don't get excited.

11 September 2023

What to Do If a Man Ejaculates Quickly? Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Premature ejaculation (rapid semen discharge, quick ejaculation) does not have age criteria and can affect both young boys and mature men.

07 September 2023

Why Do Men Watch Porn During Sex?

Watching porn is not necessarily a solitary activity. Couples are also interested in and enjoy it. In this material, we have gathered 4 common reasons why this happens.

28 August 2023

High Blood Pressure: The Dangers and Men's Risk Factors

There are 1.28 billion people on the planet with hypertension. You may be among them.

24 August 2023

A Child Doesn't Like His Body, How to Talk?

Do you know who will always be with you and never leave you? It's YOU! You will have to deal with yourself for the rest of your life. And you will live with what you have. And what you don't have, you won't have to live with. And how healthy your life will be physically depends a lot on the condition of your body. If you start caring for your body right now, it will be very grateful to you.

21 August 2023

Sexual Addiction: Causes and Treatment

Sexual addiction, also known as sexaholism, is a social construct that does not have analogs in the list of mental disorders. Psychiatry does not have data that sexual activities like substances that cause addiction can affect the brain.

17 August 2023

A Child Feels Different from Others. How to Help When They Are Lonely?

"I'm different" - does this phrase often cross your mind? Does it sound negative for some reason? Does it make you feel bad about yourself? Out of place? Uncomfortable?

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