Happy International Men’s Day 2024!
Published:19 November 2024
Updated:19 December 2024

On November 19, we celebrate International Men's Day. You know, this holiday appeared not so long ago – in 1999. And do you know why? So that we can all think together about how to make men's lives better and healthier.
Last year, we wrote in detail about the history of this holiday and its goals; you can read about it here.
In 2024, the main theme of the day is "Positive Male Role Models."
What do positive role models mean?
When instead of toxic masculinity, men show feelings of sadness, longing, loneliness, fear, vulnerability, demonstrating that it's important and necessary for health to express all emotions, that masculinity is compatible with sensitivity and openness. A positive role model also includes raising their children to be emotionally complete, showing them tenderness, treating their partners with care in relationships, showing sympathy and empathy to others, and being able to ask for help when needed.
Unfortunately, the disappointing statistics from the World Health Organization show that men are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes, are less likely to seek medical help, and more often die prematurely (before 70 years old) from non-communicable diseases and injuries.
Therefore, we remind everyone how important it is to raise awareness about men's health and the need to create more effective prevention and treatment measures.
Dear men, today is your special day! Let's take a step together toward a long and fulfilling life. We invite you to pay attention to your health - it's the key to excellent well-being and active longevity. Regular preventive check-ups with specialists will help you stay in great shape for many years to come.
Take care of yourself and enjoy every day!
International Men’s Day 2024 (https://internationalmensday.com/). Accessed 19 Nov. 2024.
Cardiovascular diseases kill 10 000 people in the WHO European Region every day, with men dying more frequently than women (https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/15-05-2024-cardiovascular-diseases-kill-10-000-people-in-the-who-european-region-every-day--with-men-dying-more-frequently-than-women), 15 May 2024. Accessed 19 Nov. 2024.
WHO reveals leading causes of death and disability worldwide: 2000-2019 (https://www.who.int/news/item/09-12-2020-who-reveals-leading-causes-of-death-and-disability-worldwide-2000-2019), 9 December 2020. Accessed 19 Nov. 2024.