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Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard. When a man is a victim of violence

Psychiatrist, sexologist, psychotherapist
  • Published:
    22 August 2022
  • Updated:
    10 July 2023
Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard. When a man is a victim of violence

    A judicial proceeding between actors Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard ended on June 1, 2022.

    Depp has filed an honor and dignity lawsuit claiming that his ex-wife slandered him by accusing him of physical and sexual abuse. Amber Heard, in turn, accused Depp of severely beating and raping her, however she was unable to provide convincing evidence of either.

    The jury found both parties guilty. Depp was awarded $10 million as compensation for moral damages and a further $5 million in punitive damages. Heard, on the other hand, was awarded $2 million in moral damages. Public opinion on the case was divided. Some called the court's verdict a blow to victims of violence. At the same time, others considered the verdict to be a signal that not only women have the right to report violence.

    It is more difficult for men to talk about being sexually or physically abused by women. According to masculinity unpublished rules, admitting to being a victim of violence could be publicly accepted as a weakness and an unworthy act for a real man. Speaking out in front of the whole world is a huge challenge, as there will always be those who will judge the statement harshly. 

    Since Depp is a celebrity, being in the camera's sight is not a problem for him. Perhaps, this has given him the courage to reveal the intimate details of his life with Heard.

    The man-made public is the things that are typically revealed by women. It looks like those feelings of male victims of domestic violence converged in Depp. 

    Hopefully, this case will influence other men with similar experiences and motivate them to come out of the shadows and talk about this kind of issue.

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