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Types of Sexual Constitution

Psychologist, sexologist
  • Published:
    12 June 2023
  • Updated:
    08 August 2024
Types of Sexual Constitution

In the last article, we talked about the difference between sexual constitution and libido.

As a reminder, libido is the desire to have sex, and sexual constitution is the physiological ability and need to have sex, given by nature. Libido can change from various psycho-emotional factors - from the emotional state, the place of sexual intercourse, the nature of the relationship with a partner, conflicts, lack of sleep, illness, taking medications, etc., but the sexual constitution remains the same.

In this article, we will discuss how to measure sexual constitution, explore the different types for both men and women, and understand the distinctions between them.

Measuring Sexual Constitution

To determine your sexual constitution, you need to find the "trochanteric index." This index is calculated the same way for both men and women.

To find the trochanteric index, locate the protrusion on the hip, easily felt by making small rocking movements with the hips. This protrusion is the greater trochanter of the femur. Measure the distance from this bump to the floor and specify your height in centimeters. To calculate the trochanteric index, divide your height by the length of your leg. The resulting number is your trochanteric index, determining your sexual constitution.

Types of Sexual Constitution in Women

After determining the trochanteric index based on the measured parameters, pay attention to the obtained number. It is the key to defining your sexual constitution. Here is how this number corresponds to different types of sexual constitution in women:

  • Strong Sexual Constitution: 2.01 to 2.05
  • Average Sexual Constitution: 1.97 to 2.00
  • Weak Sexual Constitution: 1.88 to 1.96

Types of Sexual Constitution in Men

Similarly to women, the determination of the trochanteric index in men is crucial for understanding their sexual constitution. Here is how the number corresponds to different types of sexual constitution in men:

  • Strong Sexual Constitution: 1.99 to 2.00
  • Average Sexual Constitution: 1.92 to 1.98
  • Weak Sexual Constitution: 1.85 to 1.91

Dependency of Trochanteric Index on Leg Length

In some cases, individuals with strong sexual desire and high testosterone levels may have shorter legs. This is related to the earlier closure of growth plates (epiphyses) in leg bones during adolescence. When epiphyses close, leg growth stops.

People with low testosterone levels and weak sexual desire may have long legs. The epiphyses in their legs remain open for a longer time, allowing their legs to continue growing.

However, leg length is not the sole factor; body height also plays a role. Individuals with tall stature and long legs may have strong sexual desire if their height matches the length of their legs.

It's important to understand that differences in sexual desire can pose challenges in relationships, especially when one partner has a strong sexual constitution and the other a weak one.

Consider additional signs of different types of sexual constitution in men.

Strong Sexual Constitution

Additional features of a strong sexual constitution include the early onset of sexual characteristics at the age of 9–12, such as hair growth in the armpits and pubic area, body odor, and voice breaking. The first ejaculation typically occurs between 8–12 years. Excessive pubic hair growth (hypertrichosis) and a high frequency of sexual acts, reaching 7 or more times a day, are also characteristic.

Average Sexual Constitution

For an average sexual constitution, sexual characteristics appear later, around the age of 12–14, with the first ejaculation occurring between 13–15 years. Pubic hair growth is moderate and follows a male pattern, forming a diamond shape with a trail of hair leading to the belly button. The maximum frequency of sexual acts for this constitution is 4–6 times a day.

Weak Sexual Constitution

A weak sexual constitution is characterized by a late onset of sexual characteristics at the age of 14–16, including hair growth in the armpits and pubic area, body odor, and voice breaking. The first ejaculation typically occurs between 16–19 years. Pubic hair growth follows a female pattern, forming a triangle with a clear horizontal line and no trail of hair leading to the belly button. The maximum frequency of sexual acts for this constitution is limited to 3 or fewer times a day.

Sexual Constitution and Psycho-Emotional Background

However, all these indicators do not account for the psycho-emotional background. It's possible for an individual to have a strong sexual constitution but a weak type of higher nervous activity. Until motivated, such a person may find it challenging to initiate action. Conversely, someone with a body structure indicating a weak sexual constitution may be temperamentally active, productive, and self-motivated. Therefore, choosing a partner should not solely rely on external characteristics.

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