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Introducing the “Track Health” Mode

Denis Galka
CEO Sequoia
  • Published:
    18 November 2024
  • Updated:
    18 November 2024
“Track Health” Mode

In the upcoming major release — likely the biggest in Sequoia’s history — I’m excited to share what will be included in the new version.

In version 1.5.1, we are introducing a brand-new feature: the “Track Health” mode.

What Is the Idea Behind the New Mode?

The goal is to expand Sequoia’s target audience. Not all men experience erectile dysfunction. As a result, those with normal erectile function may feel the app isn’t relevant to them and might stop using it right from the start.

However, beyond providing recommendations for improving erectile function, the app includes many other valuable features, such as a Health Tracker, Statistics, Reports, Articles, a Checkup Plan, and more. All of these can benefit any man who cares about his health.

What Does the New Mode Include?

In the “Track Health” mode, we’ve focused on tracking key elements essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Instead of exercises, the daily plan will include:

  • Water Consumption: Specialists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day to stay hydrated and support overall health.

  • Physical Activity: Movement is life! Walking 10,000 steps a day is the minimum requirement for staying active and healthy.

  • Rest and Connection: Dedicate at least one hour a day to family, friends, or hobbies. Spending time with loved ones or enjoying personal interests is vital for emotional well-being.

By following these three simple recommendations, you can significantly enhance your health and quality of life.

How Can I Activate the New Mode?

You can activate the new mode either during registration or later in the app settings. If the current “Improve Erection” mode no longer suits your needs, and you’re satisfied with your progress, switching is quick and easy.

Can I Switch Back Later?

Absolutely! You can switch between modes at any time. Your data is securely stored on our servers and will remain accessible regardless of which mode you choose.

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