Sequoia's Trip to the EIT Health Summit: Results and Achievements

Published:23 April 2024
Updated:23 April 2024

On April 18-19, the Sequoia team attended the European Health Summit (EIT Health Summit 2024), and today we want to share the results of our journey with you.
EIT Health Summit 2024 Overview
The conference took place at the World Trade Center in Rotterdam and gathered over 500 members of the European health community from 35 countries. Over two days, more than 50 experts and speakers shared their vision for the development of the healthcare system.
To accommodate the entire program within the allocated time, six rooms were equipped where lectures, presentations, plenary sessions, and other events were held simultaneously.
Hall of the World Trade Center Rotterdam
EIT Health Summit's Contribution to Healthcare Development
We were pleasantly surprised by the attention given to innovation in the EU. Here are some figures:
- €1.7 billion was allocated to support startups.
- Support was provided to 2509 projects.
- €253 million was spent on education.
- 65,000 specialists were trained.
- Over 100 innovative projects were brought to market.
Welcome speech from EIT Health Summit CEO Jean-Marc Burez
Benefits of Participation in EIT Health Summit for Sequoia
The trip gave us a broad understanding of innovations and the development of the healthcare system at the country and EU levels. We established new useful connections and met with representatives of funds and companies providing grants. We also learned about the direction of healthcare development in Central and Eastern Europe for 2025.
We also had the opportunity to meet people such as Jean-Marc Bourez (EIT health summit CEO), Tine Verreet (Senior consultant Grants & Incentives bij Moore Belgium), Nicolas Duchemin (PhD, Associate Manager Business Development), Catherine Rivera (Communications Lead, Global Healthcare at AWS), Merike Leego (PerMed Program Manager at EIT Health), Carmel van den Berk (HealthTech Investor at MTIP | Health Economics at Erasmus University) and others. We are already in communication with many of them.
Denis Galka with EIT Health Summit CEO Jean-Marc Burez
Space for Creativity
Through self-realization and creativity, innovations can be achieved. The summit didn't forget this and approached it quite creatively: the back side of a large stand was provided for signatures. Anyone could leave their wish for improving people's health, and the artist would draw it.
We wrote a sticker with a wish to pay more attention to men's health and accompanied it with the text "Break the stigma and build a new paradigm of male sexual health." It was very pleasing to see our wish on the wall after some time :)
A place for wishes for improving people's health
In Conclusion
This trip expanded the understanding of possible project development for all participants. It also serves as a strong motivating and team-building factor, uniting the efforts of each project member to achieve our common goal.
We plan to organize an offline meeting so that everyone can share their experiences and knowledge with those team members who could not attend the conference.
Stay tuned for the date and time.
With respect and dedication for men's health,
Denis Galka,
CEO of Sequoia