Porn Addiction: Symptoms, Signs, and Treatment
Published:27 January 2023
Updated:06 February 2025

The World Health Organisation does not officially list pornography addiction as a mental health disorder, but this does not affect the emotional distress experienced by those suffering from it.
What is Porn Addiction?
Pornography addiction manifests as a compulsive desire to watch, read and think about porn and sex, negatively affecting the individual's quality of life and their family (the environment).
Symptoms of Porn Addiction
When analyzing the behavior of people addicted to pornography, specific symptoms can be identified:
- Changing tolerance. The need to view porn increases and there is a loss of control and an increase in tolerance of porn tastes. You want to watch porn, not just once but several times daily, more often. They have to find newer and newer genres that are further and further away from what they are used to, which may be frightening but now they can't give up.
- Withdrawal syndrome is when a person perceives the intense need to watch porn constantly as the only way to gain emotional stability. Any situation in life can fit with "I'm having a hard time, I need a discharge, I'll watch porn." The thought of giving up porn seems unbearable. When trying to stop watching porn, characteristic psychiatric disorders (anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and others) emerge.
- Loss of control, where the urge to watch porn becomes uncontrollable, repetitive, and destructive. Watching porn at work, on the bus, asking everyone around you to join in, watching porn in front of children.
- Attempts to abstain from watching porn lead to other types of addiction, e.g., to the Internet (dating sites, porn sites) and alcohol addiction.
- The belief is that external changes (a change of residence, job, or partner) can quench the craving for porn. This is almost always unhelpful.
- Loss of habitual interests and hobbies in favor of watching pornography. When the urge to watch porn is more vital than all other desires.
- Watching porn continues even when there are already obvious adverse consequences because of it in life (problems in relationships and at work).
Signs of Porn Addiction
One of the most devastating signs of porn addiction is considered to be desocialization. The person becomes shy, withdrawn, moody, unwilling to socialize with friends and family, and avoids all forms of communication. Often the person firmly believes in their ability to stop watching porn anytime and denies any problems.
Treatment for Porn Addiction
Some signs may only be present for a while or may not reoccur for a long time, but either way, they require professional intervention. If you find signs of porn addiction in yourself, we recommend that you see a sex therapist or psychotherapist.