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What helps with internalised homophobia?

  • Published:
    23 September 2022
  • Updated:
    12 July 2023
What helps with internalised homophobia?

    We have recently written about internalized homophobia. Here are a few things to help you to deal with it.

    Accepting the fact of normality of yourself

    The first step is to recognition of your own normality. Unfortunately, it does not always happen immediately, especially for those who live in a post-Soviet society. It is important to expand your knowledge about homosexuality — rely on facts, and break down myths and stereotypes. Books, films, and meetings with other people will help to accomplish this task. 

    Being accepted by a close group of people

    Try to find someone in your community with whom you can feel safe. It may not always be easy, but it is still realistic. You can begin by asking questions about feelings towards LGBT people and checking out their reactions. It is important to find someone you can rely on and who is willing to be non-judgmental.

    Seek support from professionals

    There are certain things inside us that are only noticeable during contact with other people. Moreover, it makes a big difference if it is not damaging to your mental health, which is not always possible. For this reason, it is safe to work with LGBT-friendly psychologists, consultants, and social work specialists. Finding an expert in this area, who will support and guide you is essential. Keep in mind that it is not necessarily very expensive to have professional help. There are a lot of good professionals involved in volunteering, supporting special foundations, or building up practical experience. 

    Public assistance

    There is an opinion that charitable participation in LGBT life helps people accept themselves. The identity of a person with any orientation and gender is always formed through their environment. That is why it is often recommended to help other people to accept their own homosexuality. This way, you can provide help to someone who needs it.

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