The Fragility of Life and the Importance of Caring for Men's Mental Health

Published:02 August 2024
Updated:02 August 2024

Recently, I learned that a good acquaintance from the Burning Man community passed away. To say that I was in shock is an understatement.
My first thought was: a blood clot or something like that. Such cases are not rare nowadays.
Then it turned out that Kolya hanged himself. And that’s when I fell into denial.
Young, handsome, always cheerful and full of life. He had his own business, a ton of ideas, and he even invested in startups. How could this happen? No! This just can’t be true!
But it can. Moreover, he sent a delayed message in which he stated that this was his conscious choice.
What could be going through a person's mind when, despite all their qualities and status, they decide to end their life this way? We'll never know.
Today, male suicide is a very significant issue. Statistics show that the number of male suicides exceeds that of female suicides by three times!
And this number is growing. The problem is so serious that in 2023, International Men’s Day was held under the slogan "Zero Male Suicides."
What can and should be done to protect ourselves and our loved ones?
Educate Yourself
Teach yourself and your children the values, character, and responsibilities of being a man. It's essential to understand and accept that life is the greatest gift.
Show Attention and Care
Inquire about how your family and close friends are doing. Ask about their worries and concerns. Come up with shared activities and spend more time together.
Express That Someone is Important to You
Let them know that if a problem arises, your friend or acquaintance can always turn to you for help and discuss anything. They should not feel embarrassed to do so.
Cultivate a Culture of Caring for Your Health
Regularly have health check-ups. If something hurts, don’t endure it; go to the doctor. Don’t stay silent when something bothers you. All of this will help prevent you from closing up in a critical moment.
Kolya’s death was not only a personal loss for me but also a vital reminder of how fragile life is and how important it is to take care of our mental health. Male suicide is a serious issue, and each of us can contribute to its resolution. Talk about your experiences, actively support one another, pay attention to your well-being, and create an atmosphere of trust. Ultimately, understanding, attention, and care can save lives.
Take care of yourselves and your loved ones!