Seeds of Perseverance: The Path to Life

Published:05 August 2024
Updated:05 August 2024

The other day, I wrote about death. Today, I want to write about life. There’s a reason.
I finally received the sequoia seeds from California!
Those who have known me for a long time know that a year ago, I attempted to grow this tree. For me, as the CEO of the startup Sequoia, it was very symbolic.
However, due to my lack of knowledge in dendrology, the plant died. When it happened, I wrote a sad post on Facebook, ending with the words: “Not everything in life works out on the first try. The main thing is not to give up.”
Then there was another attempt with seeds purchased on a marketplace. It was also unsuccessful. They didn’t even sprout.
In the movie “The Founder” (2016), there was a great monologue: “One word: persistence. Nothing in the world can take the place of good old persistence. Talent? No. There are many talented but unsuccessful people in the world. Genius? No. Unrecognized genius is almost a proverb. Education? No. The world is full of educated fools. Only persistence and determination can move mountains.”
So, I will persistently keep trying. I will try as long as it takes until I succeed and life awakens in the seeds. 🌱