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Be informed with the fresh news and latest releases from the Sequoia project

07 June 2024

Two Days of Inspiration at HealthTech 2024

Hello everyone!

The two-day HealthTech conference in Munich has come to an end. I am excited to share the results with you.

04 June 2024

From Rome to Munich for the Health.Tech Conference

Hello everyone!

We've flown from Rome to Munich and are getting ready for the upcoming conference. Unlike the previous two, this event is purely technological.

02 June 2024

Insights from HIMSS24 Europe: A Transformative Experience

Hello everyone!

Just a few days have passed since the HIMSS24 Europe conference, and we're excited to share the knowledge we gained at this event.

23 May 2024

Sequoia is Heading to HIMSS24 Europe • May 29-31, 2024 • Rome

Recently, I mentioned that our team will be participating in the conference, which will take place on June 5-6 in Munich.

Today, I want to tell you about another event where Sequoia will also be taking part - HIMSS24 Europe.

07 May 2024

3 free tickets to Conference • June 5–6, 2024 • Munich

Get ready for an exciting event! The conference, Bits & Pretzels HealthTech 2024, will happen in Munich on June 5-6.

Great news! ‎Sequoia has been chosen to be part of it! We'll be presenting our project at the exhibition hall on one of the event days!

30 April 2024

Checkup v1.1: The Ability to Store Analysis Results

Today I will share with you what functionality we are preparing for you in the next version 1.4.7 and tell you how it will simplify men's care for their health. But let's go through it step by step.

26 April 2024

Mindfulness Teacher Alexandra Rumyantseva Now Part of Sequoia Team

Hello, Sequoia Community!

Today, I am pleased to share some news with you: mindfulness teacher and psychological consultant Alexandra Rumyantseva has joined our team.

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