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About Subscriptions. Part 3
About Subscriptions. Part 2
In the first part, I wrote about cases when people subscribe to a trial and immediately cancel it to avoid being charged later.
Thank to all for your comments on Facebook and LinkedIn. I really want to understand why this happens and how I, as a developer, can influence it.
About Subscriptions. Part 1
Has it ever happened to you that you subscribed to a trial and then immediately went to settings to cancel it, just to avoid being charged when the trial ends?
Seeds of Perseverance: The Path to Life
The other day, I wrote about death. Today, I want to write about life. There’s a reason.
I finally received the sequoia seeds from California!
The Fragility of Life and the Importance of Caring for Men's Mental Health
Recently, I learned that a good acquaintance from the Burning Man community passed away. To say that I was in shock is an understatement.
My first thought was: a blood clot or something like that. Such cases are not rare nowadays.
Tracker v3.1: Updated Symptom List Display and Search Field
Today, I want to tell you about some changes that will appear in the next version of Sequoia v1.4.8. But first, let me start with some background.
Sequoia's survey was shortlisted for presentation on the WMSM in Rio
Hello everyone!
Our study "How Men Choose Their Underwear" has been selected for presentation at the 25th World Meeting on Sexual Medicine (WMSM), which will take place from September 26-29 in Rio de Janeiro.