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Sexual Relationship Issues

Psychiatrist, sexologist, psychotherapist
  • Published:
    10 January 2023
  • Updated:
    25 September 2024
Sexual Issues

Sooner or later, all sexual partners run into problems of one kind or another, regardless of their age or the length of their relationship. By looking at the most common conflicts, avoiding or finding solutions to problematic situations is possible. For severe conflicts of interest, the help of sexologists or psychotherapists is needed.

What are the common sexual problems in couples?

Let's consider the most common of them:

Problem #1 - Mismatched Desire Levels

One partner will always be more interested in sex, which applies also to married couples.

The mismatch of interests often occurs between partners with a significant age difference. Specialists have noted that for women, sexual activity peaks after age 30, whereas for men, the heightened sexual desire between the ages of 20 and 27 is typical.

Problem #2 - Persistent Desire and Aversion to Sex

If one partner lacks desire while the other demands constant contact, the former may lose interest, and, in turn, develop an aversion to sex.

This problem can be solved by finding compromises, either on your own or with the help of professionals. Sex addicts are akin to people with other addictions, and it is a medical condition that requires medical intervention.

Problem #3 - Lack of Time for Intimacy

Couples face this problem when "the love boat breaks up in the middle of life." To rekindle old passion, you must try to make time and space for intimate contact with your partner. Interestingly, "quick sex" in an unexpected place has a stunning effect that can rekindle mutual sexual interest.

Problem #4 - Physiological and Psychological Aspects

Doctors only deal with problems in sex that are related to physiology. Partners should consult a sexologist, as most of the unresolved issues stem from fears of one of the sexual partners, e.g., appearing ridiculous, not getting an erection, shyness of one's own body, etc. It is essential to consult a sexologist if pain occurs during intercourse.

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