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Be informed with modern trends in sexual life from Sequoia medical experts

25 November 2022

Has this ever happened to you? You have an erection; you have sex or masturbate but cannot reach orgasm? How often do you experience such circumstances? In which situations this is a norm?

23 November 2022

We have already written about diseases such as hemorrhoids, prostatitis, urethritis, genital herpes, and others. Today, let's talk about pyelonephritis. We will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of this condition.

22 November 2022

Urethritis is an inflammation of the mucous wall of the urethra. There are different types of urethritis. The most common are infectious and non-infectious urethritis (specific and nonspecific).

18 November 2022

The majority of men during their lifetime experienced itching in the perineum, the head of the penis. This condition is not considered to be life-threatening but can be very uncomfortable. Typically, men try to reduce the discomfort of scratching, which worsens the situation, and the itching is just getting stronger. Also, strong mechanical rubbing traumatizes delicate tissues.

15 November 2022

Fetishism is sexual behavior in which an object, most often inanimate, is a stimulus and satisfaction. The good news is, according to the definition in the International Classification of Diseases 11, fetishism has been removed from the list of mental disorders.

10 November 2022

Let's look at the facts. Research findings suggest that alcohol can be a silent murderer of sexual health even in the case of moderate drinking.

29 October 2022

Prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate gland, is estimated to occur in 2.2-9.7% of men. For example, the same number of people develop coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus. Prostatitis affects people of all ages, but men in their 30s and 50s are the most common sufferers.

25 October 2022

The body's physiological response to sexual stimulation is not necessarily an indicator of sexual desire. Simply put, an erection in men and moistening of the vagina in women are not always indicators of sexual desire.

18 October 2022

Every November around the world two movements take place: Movember and No Shave November. Both are dedicated to fighting male diseases and raising funds for their study.

18 October 2022

The question itself is ‌wrong. Health is a variable that is given at birth. It can get worse as a result of illness and return to its original level after recovery, i.e., it can get better.

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