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Be informed with modern trends in sexual life from Sequoia medical experts

21 August 2023

Sexual addiction, also known as sexaholism, is a social construct that does not have analogs in the list of mental disorders. Psychiatry does not have data that sexual activities like substances that cause addiction can affect the brain.

17 August 2023
"I'm different" - does this phrase often cross your mind? Does it sound negative for some reason? Does it make you feel bad about yourself? Out of place? Uncomfortable?
14 August 2023

The first thing to do is to admit to yourself that there is a shy feeling. Even if the shyness is not a big "shy" feeling, but a slight "shy" of 1 percent.

10 August 2023

Each person has a huge inner world! It is a whole universe. We all have our own thoughts, values, beliefs, interests, dreams, fantasies, desires, attitudes, principles, feelings, and emotions inside.

07 August 2023

Is a modern man without a smartphone in his pocket possible today?

But did you know that phones can affect sexual health?

04 August 2023

The first thing to consider is the age of consent in your country. This is wholly unromantic but very, very important. This age can vary from country to country. In some countries, it may be 16 years old, and in others, it may be 18. This fact is important to recognize so you don't put yourself or your partner under the law.

31 July 2023

To begin with, the arousal process in men and women is different. Men can get an erection at the sight of a woman's body, an external indicator of arousal.

In women, when arousal occurs vaginal lubrication, but visually it is not visible in most cases. In general, female arousal is longer and depends on various factors that can both promote and inhibit arousal.

24 July 2023

The female genital system is more complex than the male, which is due to the critical role a woman plays in nature - carrying and giving birth to a child.

24 July 2023

Shame in sex happens to women and men equally. But women's shame in sex, unlike men's, is more socially accepted.

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