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Be informed with modern trends in sexual life from Sequoia medical experts

19 March 2023

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction From Steroids

In the world of sports and bodybuilding, results often depend not only on endurance but also on the degree of muscle development. Not everyone is willing to wait for results from targeted training. To speed up the process and gain muscle mass more quickly, many men resort to steroid drugs without thinking about the consequences, which often result in metabolic failure and erectile dysfunction. To avoid unpleasant side effects, you must understand what steroids are and how they can affect potency.

17 March 2023

Is it Possible to Cope With Porn Addiction on Your Own?

Sexologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists receive many requests to treat porn addiction. However, the World Health Organization does not officially include this disorder in the list of mental disorders.

Pornography addiction is expressed in the compulsive desire to watch, read and think about porn and sex, negatively affecting the person's quality of life and their family (environment).

07 March 2023

Does Semen Taste Matter to Your Partner?

The uniqueness of semen can be compared with breast milk because the composition includes only vital substances, but the taste and smell of these products differ. Many sexual partners are interested in what semen tastes like. It is believed that in a healthy man without bad habits, the ejaculate does not have a pronounced taste and smell.

03 March 2023

The Most "Sexual" Type of Psychological Defense

Sexualization and eroticization are defense mechanisms involving sexual fantasies and activities aimed at coping with anxiety, preserving self-esteem, reducing feelings of shame, and diverting attention from a sense of inner numbness.

21 February 2023

Venereal Diseases: How to Talk About Them

Talking about diseases is not the most romantic part of a relationship. Especially when it comes to venereal diseases, it is not an easy task to tell your partner about it, but it is still necessary to do it.

17 February 2023

STIs: What to Do with Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) represent a serious medical concern that can impact health and quality of life. These infections can be caused by various microorganisms and viruses, and their spread can be prevented through accurate information, prevention, and treatment. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms of STIs and what to do if they appear.

14 February 2023

Are There "Male" Instincts?

"Men have their own needs. They need to be satisfied" - unfortunately, you often hear this phrase. Even though it is already 2023, many people still justify male cheating (and even violence) by saying that men need more sex and sexual partners than women. Let's try to find out if this is true.

07 February 2023

What Should Every Man Know About Sperm?

Spermatogenesis is the process by which male sex cells develop and transform into sperm cells. This process takes place inside the seminal tubules, which fill the testicles of an adult male by 90%.

03 February 2023

When Sex Becomes Boring and Uninteresting - Why and What to Do

Why is there a point in a relationship when sex becomes boring and monotonous? In a permanent relationship, people get used to each other. It is inherent that a person cannot focus on one thing for a long time. It is human nature to change their tastes. Years later, many people do not treat sex as a passionate flight into the world of pleasure but as an indispensable part of life.

31 January 2023

Mid-life crisis in men, what is it?

   Between the ages of 35 and 50, men experience psycho-emotional changes known as the mid-life crisis. During this time, men experience what is known as a transition period in life; when there is an overwhelming desire to change attitudes and priorities in life. There is a reassessment of experience, and thoughts about the meaning of life constantly visit them. Often this period is accompanied by emotional instability, aggression, depression, a craving for alcohol, adultery, and a desire for a dramatic change in interests and thrills.

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