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How to Explain to a Child What to Do if They Receive Explicit Photos on Social Media?
Such behavior on the network has become possible from the fact that there it is easy to hide one's identity and, by violating the natural law, evade responsibility. Because if a person shows genitals to a passerby on the street, it will have severe consequences and punishment. Sending genitals is a direct violation of personal boundaries and can even cause psychological trauma.
Types of Sexual Constitution
In the last article, we talked about the difference between sexual constitution and libido.
Wet Dreams (Nocturnal Emissions) in Men. What Should Be at Hand?
Almost every man on earth has experienced it at least once.
Unpleasant Odor From the Penis
To deal with unpleasant odors, you need to learn about the pleasant or typical smell of the penis.
Medications That Impair Erection
Approximately 25% of the male population has erectile dysfunction due to taking certain medications. As a man ages, his health begins to fail and often requires long-term or continuous medication, and many drugs adversely affect the different stages of intercourse.
Signs of Puberty
Puberty is a process, a series of changes in your body that transforms you into an adult physically able to reproduce.
Underwear Rule for Children - What Is It? How to Explain to a Child?
In the safety rules that are taught from a very young age, there is the concept of the "panty rule" (underpants or underwear) or "underwear rule." With the help of this easy-to-remember comparison, children are explained what they should know about personal boundaries (physical in the first place).
Viagra - The History of the Medication's Creation
Let us tell you today about the most famous drug for treating erectile dysfunction, Viagra.
Like many world discoveries, the properties of Viagra were discovered by accident during the development of a new drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Libido and Sexual Constitution - What is It and How Does It Differ?
The quantity and quality of sex are some of the most common topics with which couples come to specialists. One of the partners feels too much sex; the other feels too little. One feels dissatisfied; the other feels pressure. It is stereotypically believed that sex should be a lot, that it should be at least twice a week, and if it is less - it is perceived as an "indicator of the problems" of the relationship. But in fact, we are all different, and everyone needs a different amount of sex.
Where do Babies Come From?
You probably already know babies aren't brought by a stork, found in cabbage, or bought in a store. We'll review this topic to refresh your memory and clarify some points.